stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => Error validating access token: Session has expired on Thursday, 26-Dec-24 05:22:47 PST. The current time is Sunday, 12-Jan-25 17:04:04 PST. [type] => OAuthException [code] => 190 [fbtrace_id] => AvpVCbvgA9Rs0syNrJLnDX8 ) ) stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => Error validating access token: Session has expired on Thursday, 26-Dec-24 05:22:47 PST. The current time is Sunday, 12-Jan-25 17:04:04 PST. [type] => OAuthException [code] => 190 [fbtrace_id] => A-KSUO0fc0PmBgcr9a_6WzS ) )